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Streptomyces verticillus



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Title Author Journal Year Volume Page
Bleomycin and other antitumor antibiotics of high molecular weight. H. Umezawa Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy - 1965 1965
New antibiotics, bleomycin A and B. H. Umezawa; K. Maeda; T. Takeuchi; Y. Okami J. Antibiotics 1966 19 200-209
Purification of bleomycins. H. Umezawa; Y. Suhara; T. Takita; K. Maeda J. Antibiotics 1966 19 210-215
Activity and toxicity of bleomycin. M. Ishizuka; H. Takayama; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1967 20 15-24
Biological studies on bleomycin A. T. Ichikawa; A. Matsuda; K. Yamamoto; M. Tsunosaki; T. Kaihara; K. Sakamoto; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1967 20 149-155
Studies on bleomycin. H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; K. Maeda; T. Takeuchi Cancer 1967 20 891-895
Modes of action of phleomycin, bleomycin and formycin on HeLa S3 cells in synchronized culture. T. Kunimoto; M. Hori; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1967 20 277-281
Chemical studies on bleomycin. I. The acid hydrolysis products of bleomycin A2. T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1968 21 79-80
Clinical study of a new antitumor antibiotic bleomycin. T. Ichikawa; K. Matsumoto; H. Umezawa 5th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Vienna 1967 507-516
Biological studies on individual bleomycins. H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; K. Kimura; J. Iwanaga; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1968 21 592-602
The chemistry of bleomycin. II. The molecular and crystal structure of a sulfur-containing chromophoric amino acid. G. Koyama; H. Nakamura; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa Tetrahedron Letters 1968 4635-4638
The distribution of 3H-bleomycin in mouse tissue. H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; S. Hori; H. Chimura; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1968 21 638-642
ブレオマイシンを研究して (Japanese) H. Umezawa
Fundamental findings on bleomycin. (Japanese) H. Umezawa Nippon Ganchiryou Gakkaishi 1969 4 29-30
The combined effects of bleomycin and sulfhydryl compounds on the thermal denaturation of DNA. K. Nagai; H. Yamaki; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1969 179 165-171
Chemistry of bleomycin. III. The sugar moieties of bleomycin A2. T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezaa; S. Omoto; S. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1969 22 237-239
Decrease of melting temperature and single strand scission of DNA by bleomycin in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. K. Nagai; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1969 22 569-573
Decrease of melting temperature and single strand scission of DNA by bleomycin in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. K. Nagai; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1969 22 624
Efficacy of bleomycin in the protection of rice sheath blight disease. M. Shimura; T. Watanabe; T. Ohashi; T. Shomura; T. Niida; Y. Sekizawa; H. Umezaa J. Antibiotics 1970 23 166-167
Studies on bleomycin --Basic research--. (Japanese) H. Umezawa Nippon Ganchiryou Gakkaishi 1970 5
Chemistry of bleomycin. IV. The structure of amine component II of bleomycin A2. Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1970 23 252-253
Lethal effect of bleomycin on cultured mammalian cells. T. Terasima; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1970 23 300-304
Breaks and rejoining of DNA in cultured mammalian cells treated with bleomycin. T. Terasima; M. Yasukawa; H. Umezawa Gann 1970 61 513-516
Chemical studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin A2. T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; S. Omoto; G. Koyama; A. Fujii; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa Progress in Antimicrobial and Anticancer Chemotherapy 1970 11 1031
On the mechanism of action of bleomycin. Strand scission of DNA caused by bleomycin and its binding to DNA in vitro. H. Suzuki; K. Nagai; E. Akutsu; H. Yamaki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1970 23 473-480
Effects of bleomycin A2 on deoxyribonuclease, DNA polymerase and ligase reactions. H. Yamaki; H. Suzuki; K. Nagai; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1971 24 178-184
Basic research on bleomycin. (Japanese) H. Umezawa 1971
Selective antitumor effect and toxicity of bleomycin. (Japanese) T. Takeuchi; S. Hori; T. Ichikawa; H. Umezawa Nippon Rinsho 29
Inhibition of ligase reaction by bleomycin. M. Miyaki; T. Ono; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1971 24 587-592
Chemistry of bleomycin. V. Revised structure of an amine component of bleomycin A2. T. Takita; T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1971 24 795-796
Reaction of bleomycin with DNA strand scission of DNA in the absence of sulfhydryl or peroxide compounds. I. Shirakawa; M. Azegami; S. Ishii; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1971 24 761-766
Natural and artificial bleomycins: Chemistry and antitumour activities. H. Umezawa Pure and Applied Chemistry 1971 28 665-680
Chemistry of bleomycin. VI. Selective cleavage of bleomycin A2 by N-bromosuccinimide. Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1972 25 185-186
The structure of the sulfur-containing chromophore of phleomycin, and chemical transformation of phleomycin to bleomycin. T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Itoh; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1972 25 197-199
Studies on the mechanism of antitumor effect of bleomycin on squamous cell carcinoma. H. Umezawa; T. Takeuchi; S. Hori; T. Sawa; M. Ishizuka; T. Ichikawa; T. Komai J. Antibiotics 1972 25 409-420
Chemistry of bleomycin. VII. Synthesis of β-amino-β-(4-amino-6-carboxy-5-methylpyrimidin-2-yl)-propionic acid, an amine component of bleomycin. T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1972 25 625-626
Biosynthesis of oncostatic antibiotics: artificial bleomycins. H. Umezawa Post. HIG. I Med. DOSW. 1972 26 431-443
Effect of bleomycin on mammalian cell survival. T. Terasima; Y. Takabe; T. Katsumata; M. Watanabe; H. Umezawa J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1972 49 1093-1100
The chemistry of bleomycin. VIII. The structure of the sugar moiety of bleomycin A2. S. Omoto; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa; S. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1972 25 752-754
The chemistry of bleomycin. IX. The structures of bleomycin and phleomycin. T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; T. Yoshioka; A. Fujii; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1972 25 755-758
Cinemicrographic analysis of death in synchronously growing mouse L cells after exposure to bleomycin. T. Katsumata; M. Watanabe; Y. Takabe; T. Terasima; H. Umezawa Gann 1973 64 71-77
The chemistry of bleomycin. X. The stereochemistry and crystal structure of β-hydroxyhistidine, an amide component of bleomycin. G. Koyama; H. Nakamura; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa; Y. Iitaka J. Antibiotics 1973 26 109-111
Preparation of bleomycinic acid: hydrolysis of bleomycin B2 by a fusarium acylagmatine amidohydrolase. H. Umezawa; Y. Takahashi; A. Fujii; T. Saino; T. Shirai; T. Takita J. Antibiotics 1973 26 117-119
Chemical cleavage of bleomycin to bleomycinic acid and synthesis of new bleomycins. T. Takita; A. Fujii; T. Fukuoka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1973 26 252-254
New components of bleomycin. A. Fujii; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1973 26 396-397
Chemistry of bleomycin. XI. The structure of the terminal amines. A. Fujii; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1973 26 398-399
Chemistry of bleomycin. XII. Iso-bleomycin A2, a product of carbamoyl group migration. Y. Nakayama; T. Takita; M. Kunishima; H. Umezawa; S. Omoto J. Antibiotics 1973 26 400-402
Chemistry and biological action of bleomycin. (Japanese) H. Umezawa; T. Takita Kagaku To Seibutsu 1973 11 354-368
The effect of bleomycin on SV40 DNA: Characteristics of bleomycin action which produces a single scission in a superherical form of SV40 DNA. H. Umezawa; H. Asakura; K. Oda; S. Hori; M. Hori J. Antibiotics 1973 26 521-527
Studies on bleomycin: Chemistry and biological action. H. Umezawa Biomedicine 1973 18 459-475
Biosyntheses of new bleomycins. A. Fujii; T. Takita; N. Shimada; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1974 27 73-77
Effect of bleomycin-A5 on rat mammary carcinoma induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. T. Tominaga; Y. Azuma; T. Maeda; M. Yurino; t. Ishida; T. Taguchi; S. Shiba; K. Horibata; H. Umezawa Gann 1973 64 617-624
Antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. (Japanese) H. Umezawa Rinsho Yakurigaku Taikei 118
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIII. The X-ray structure determination of 4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-n-valeric acid, an amine component of bleomycin. H. Nakamura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; Y. Iitaka J. Antibiotics 1974 27 352-355
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIV. Biogenetic-like synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-n-valeric acid, an amine component of bleomcyin. T. Yoshioka; T. Hara; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1974 27 356-357
A bleomycin-inactivating enzyme in mouse liver. H. Umezawa; S. Hori; T. Sawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1974 27 419-424
A metabolite of bleomycin A5 in rabbit urine. S. Hori; T. Sawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1974 27 489-491
Symposium on cancer chemotherapy (5) II. The problems on cancer chemotherapy 4. Essential reaction condition of DNA chain breakage by bleomycin. (Japanese) M. Hori Igaku no Ayumi 1974 91 215-220
Chemistry and mechanism of action of bleomycin. H. Umezawa Federation Proceedings 1974 33 2296-2302
Blemycin: origin, chemistry, and artificial bleomycins. H. Umezawa Antibiotics, Springer-Verlag 1974 III 21-33
Bleomycin inhibition of DNA synthesis in isolated enzyme systems and in intact cell systems. W. E. G. Mueller; A. Totsuka; I. Nusser; R. K. Zahn; H. Umezawa Biochemical Pharmacology 1975 83 151-162
Characterization of bleomycin action on DNA. H. Asakura; M. Hori; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1975 28 555-557
Development and mechanism of action of bleomycin.Ueber ein neues Zytostatikum: Bleomycin. H. Umezawa; T. Ichikawa Research in Molecular Biology 1974 4
Chemie und Wirkungsmechanismus von Bleomycin. H. Umezawa Deutsches Bleomycin-Symposium in Muenchen 1973 1973
Binding of bleomycin to DNA in bleomycin-sensitive and -resistant rat ascites hepatoma cells. M. Miyaki; T. Ono; S. Hori; H. Umezawa Cancer Research 1975 35 2015-2019
1. A prospect of bleomycin therapy on lung cancer.3. Treatment of lung cancer with bleomycin. (Japanese) S. Oka; K. Oizumi; F. Ariji; N. Kumano; S. Oka; K. Konno Gann to KagakuryouhouScience Reports of the Research Institute Tohoku Univ. Ser. C 1976 3, 21 7-16; 47-53
Chemistry of bleomycin. XV. Absolute configuration of β-amino-β-(4-amino-6-carboxy(4-amino-6-carboxy-5- methylpyrimidin-2-yl)-propionic acid, an amine component of bleomycin. H. Nakamura; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; Y. Iitaka J. Antibiotics 1976 29 762-764
Chemistry of bleomycin. XVI. Epi-bleomycin. Y. Muraoka; H. Kobayashi; A. Fujii; M. Kunishima; T. Fujii; Y. Nakayama; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1976 29 823-856
Bleomycin: Discovery, chemistry and action. H. Umezawa Gann Monograph on Cancer Research 1976 19 3-36
Characterization of the bleomycin action on DNA. H. Umezawa; H. Asakura; M. Hori Chemotherapy 1976 8 165-168
Chemistry of bleomycin. SVII. Chemical proof for the β-lactam of bleomycin. Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1977 30 178-181
Structure and action of bleomycin. H. Umezawa Prog. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1976 11 18-27
Chemistry of bleomycin. XVIII. Carbon-13 NMR studies. H. Naganawa; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1977 30 388-396
Recent studies on bleomycin. H. Umezawa Lloydia 1977 40 67-81
Intracellular reduction of the cupric ion of bleomycin copper complex and transfer of the cuprous ion to a cellular protein. K. Takahashi; O. Yoshioka; A. Matsuda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1977 30 861-869
Chemical and biological modification of bleomycin. (Japanese) T. Takita Chemistry and Chemical Industry (Kagaku to Kogyo) 1977 1271-1277
DNA structures required for bleomycin binding. H. Asakura; H. Umezawa; M. Hori J. Antibiotics 1978 31 156-158
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIX. Revised structures of bleomycin and phleomycin. T. Takita; Y.Muraoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; Y.Umezawa; H. Naganawa; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1978 31 801-804
Chemistry of bleomycin. XX. The X-ray structure determination of P-3A Cu(II)-complex. A biosynthetic intermediate of bleomycin. Y. Iitaka; H.Nakamura; T. Nakatani; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1978 31 1070-1072
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXI. Metal-complex of bleomycin and its implication for the mechanism of bleomycin action. T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; Y. Iitaka; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1978 31 1073-1077
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXII. Interaction of bleomycin with nucleic acids, preferential binding to guanine base and electrostatic effect of the terminal amine. H. Kasai; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1978 31 1316-1320
Discoveries of Kanamycin and bleomycin -Chemistry of antibiotics-. (Japanese) H. Umezawa Kagaku Kyoiku 1978 26 434-442
Recent studies on biochemistry and action of bleomycin. H. Umezawa Bleomycin: Current Status and New DevelopmentsAcademic Press 1978 15-19
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXIII. Natural abundance 15N-NMR spectroscopic evidence for the structure of bleomycin. H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; W. E. Hull J. Antibiotics 1979 32 539-541
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXIV. Deamido bleomycin from viewpoint of metal coordination and oxygen activation. Y. Sugiura; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1979 32 756-758
Bleomycin: Long journay to the structure determination, and its biological function. (Japanese) T. Takita Kagaku no Ryoiki 1979 33 695-708
Biological and chemical modification of bleomycin. (Japanese) T. Takita Hakko to Kogyo 1979 37 849-853
Bleomycin: new developments. H. Umezawa Advances in Medical Oncology, Research and Education, Basis for Cancer Therapy 1Pergamon Press, Ed. by B. W. Fox 1979 5 33-38
Chemistry of bleomcyin. XXV. Reductive methylation of bleomycin, a chemical proof for the presence of the free secondary amine in bleomycin. T. Fukuoka; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1980 33 114-117
Pepleomycin, the second generation bleomycin chemically derived from bleomycin A2. W. Tanaka; T. Takita Heterocycles 1979 13 469-476
The bleomycins: Antitumor copper-binding antibiotics. H. Umezawa; T. Takita Structure and BondingSpringer-Verlag 1980 40 73-99
Kinetics of the reaction of bleomycin-Fe(II)-O2 complex with DNA. H. Ekimoto; H. Kuramochi; K. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1980 33 426-434
Inhibition of dopamine-β-hydroxylase, a copper enzyme, by bleomycin. H. Matsui; T. Kato; C. Yamamoto; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa; T. Nagatsu J. Antibiotics 1980 33 435-440
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVI. Biosynthetic study using 13C-enriched precursors. T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1980 33 717-721
Inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase, a Fe(II)-stimulated monooxygenase, by bleomycin. K. Oka; T. Kato; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa; T. Nagatsu J. Antibiotics 1980 33 1043-1047
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVII. Cleomycin, a new family of bleomycin-phleomycin group. H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita J. Antibiotics 1980 33 1079-1082
Synthesis of the pyrimidine moiety of bleomycin. Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; S. Kobayashi; M. Otsuka; M. Narita; M. Ohno J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980 102 6630-6631
Recent progress in bleomycin studies. H. Umezawa Anticancer Agents Based on Natural Product Models 1980 147-166
Total synthesis of deglyco-bleomycin A2. T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno Tetrahedron Letters 1981 22 671-674
Chemical and biological modification of bleomycin, an antitumor antibiotic. T. Takita; K. Maeda J. Heterocyclic Chemistry 1980 17 1799-1802
Total synthesis of the disaccharide of bleomycin, 2-O-(α-D-mannopyranosyl)-L-gulopyranose. T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Kageyama; S. Umezawa; H. Umezawa; T. Takita Tetrahedron Letters 1981 22 1413-1416
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVIII. Preparation of deglycobleomycin by mild acid hydrolysis of bleomycin. Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; A. Fujii; Y. Umezawa; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1981 34 353-357
An active intermediate formed in the reaction of bleomycin-Fe(II) complex with oxygen. H. Kuramochi; K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1981 34 576-582
Electrochemical and ESR studies on Cu(II) complexes of bleomycin and its related compounds. K. Ishizu; S. Murata; K. Miyoshi; Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1981 34 994-1000
A possible role by bithiazoles of bleomycin in causing double-strand scission of DNA. H. Okubo; Y. Abe; M. Hori; H. Asakura; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1981 34 1213-1215
Deglyco-bleomycin-iron complexes: Implications for iron-binding site and role of the sugar portion in bleomycin antibiotics. Y. Sugiura; T. Suzuki; Y. Muraoka; Y. Umezawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1981 34 1232-1236
Studies on the derivatives of bleomycin. (Japanese) H. Umezawa Taisha 1981 18 229-238
Total synthesis of bleomycin A2. T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Naganawa; H. Umezawa; T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Kageyama; S. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; M. Narita; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno Tetrahedron Letters 1982 23 521-524
Stereoselective synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-pentanoic acid, an amino acid constituent of bleomycin, by aldol condensation. M. Narita; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Tetrahedron Letters 1982 23 525-528
A new synthesis of deglyco-bleomycin A2 aiming at the total synthesis of bleomycin. S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; M. Narita; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno Tetrahedron Letters 1982 23 529-532
Transition-metal bindng site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue capable of binding Fe(II) to yield an oxygen-sensitive complex. M. Otsuka; M. Yoshida; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1981 103 6986-6988
Total synthesis of bleomycin. T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Umezawa Peptides: Synthesis-Structure-Function (Proceedings of the 7th american peptide symposium) 1981 29-39
Bleomycin-phleomycin group antibiotics. T. Takita Advances in Natural Products Chemistry (S. Natori et al. eds.) Kodansha Scientific Co. 1981 29-38
Specificity of transport of bleomycin and cobalt-bleomycin in L5178Y cells. Y. Uehara; M. Hori; H. Umezawa Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1982 104 416-421
Correlation between level of defense against active oxygen in Escherichia coli K12 and resistance to bleomycin. Y. Matsuda; M. Kitahara; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1982 35 931-933
Bleomycin-phleomycin group antibiotics. T. Takita Advances in Natural Products Chemistry (S. Natori, N. Ikegawa, M. Suzuki, eds.)Kodansha Scientific 1981 29-38
An improved total synthesis of bleomycin. S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka J. Antibiotics 1983 36 92-95
An improved total synthesis of bleomycins. S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Peptide Chemistry 1982 (Ed. S. Sakakibara)Protein Research Foundation 1983 133-138
Synthetic analogues and biosynthetic intermediates of bleomycin. Metal binding, dioxygen interaction, and implication for the role of functional groups in bleomycin action mechanism. Y. Sugiura; T. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Biol. Chem. 1983 258 1328-1336
Potentiation of the cytostatic effect of bleomycin on L5178y mouse lymphoma cells by pepleomycin. W. E. G. Mueller; M. Geisert; R. K. Zahn; A. Maidhof; M. Bachmann; H. Umezawa Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. 1983 19 665-670
DNA-bleomycin interaction. Nucleotide sequence-specific binding and cleavage of DNA by bleomycin. H. Umezawa; T. Takita; Y. Sugiura; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno Tetrahedron 1984 40 501-509
Bleomycin and its derivatives. T. Takita; H. Umezawa Natural Products and Drug Development (P. Krogsgaard-Larsen et al. eds.)Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1984 239-252
Antitumor effect of bestatin combined with bleomycin against hepatoma AH66 subcutaneously transplanted in rats. (Japanese) F. Abe; T. Yamashita; K. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; T. Ichikawa; H. Umezawa Jap. J. Antibiotics 1984 37 589-592
Mechanism of action of bleomycin at the molecular level. (Japanese) T. Takita Gann to Kagakuryouhou 1984 11 2659-2665
Synthetic studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. XIII. Synthesis of 2-formylpyrimidine, a key intermediate for the pyrimidine moiety of bleomycin. M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1985 33 515-519
Synthetic studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. XIV. The synthesis of Boc-pyrimidoblamic acid. M. Otsuka; M. Narita; M. Yoshida; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1985 33 520-526
Lipid peroxidation by bleomycin-iron complexes in vitro. H. Ekimoto; T. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1985 38 1077-1082
Radioimmunoassay of bleomycins. T. Seki; Y. Muraoka; K. Takahashi; H. Horinishi; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1985 38 1251-1256
New analogs and derivatives of bleomycin. H. Umezawa; T. Takita; S. Saito; Y. Muraoka; K. Takahashi; H. Ekimoto; S. Minamide; K. Nishikawa; T. Fukuoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; A. Matsuda Bleomycin Chemotherapy, Chapter 23(Eds. B. I. Sikic; M. Rozencweig; S. K. Carter)Academic Press 1985 289-301
Bleomycin antibiotics: Metal complexes and their biological action. Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Chapter 4(Ed., H. Sigel)Marcel Dekket Inc. 1985 19 81-108
Synergistic effect of peplomycin in combination with bleomycin on L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells in vivo. W. E. G. Mueller; R. K. Zahn; A. Maidhof; H. C. Schroeder; M. Bachmann; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1984 37 239-243
Bleomycin and peplomycin. Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Cancer Chemotherapy(H. M. Pinedo; B. A. Chabner, Eds.)Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. 1985 7 76-82
Potentiation of the bleomycin, arabinofuranosylcytosine and adriamycin-caused inhibition of DNA synthesis in lymphocytes by bestatin in vitro. G. Leyhausen; H. C. Schroeder; D. K. Schuster; A. Maidhof; H. Umezawa; W. E. G. Mueller Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. 1985 21 1325-1330
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A remarkably efficient dioxygen-activating molecule based on bleomycin-Fe(II) complex. A. Kittaka; Y. Sugano; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa Tetrahedron Letters 1986 27 3631-3634
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue equivalent to bleomycin in activating molecular oxygen. Y. Sugano; A. Kittaka; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa Tetrahedron Letters 1986 27 3635-3638
Synthetic studies towards man designed bleomycins. Synthesis of a DNA cleaving molecule based on bleomycin. M. Otsuka; A. Kittaka; M. Ohno; T. Suzuki; J. Kuwahara; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa Tetrahedron Letters 1986 27 3639-3642
Bleomycin and peplomycin. Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa Cancer Chemotherapy (Eds. H. M. Pinedo; B. A. Chabner)Elsevier Science Publishers Biomedical Division, Amsterdam(Cancer Pharmacology Annual 4, pp. 76-82) 1986 8 65-72
The nature of thiol-compounds which trap cuprous ion reductively liberated from bleomycin-Cu(II) in cells. K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1987 40 348-353
Activation of bleomycin-Fe(III) by bleomycin-Cu(II) and cysteine. K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa J. Antibiotics 1987 40 542-546
Bleomycins. Y. Muraoka; T. Takita Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers Annual (Eds. H. M. Pinedo; D. L. Longo; B. A. Chabner)Elsevier Science Publishers 1987 9 50-55
Mutagenicity of anthracycline glycosides and bleomycins in salmonella assay system. K. Umezawa; M. Haresaku; M. Muramatsu; T. Matsushima Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 1987 41 214-218
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Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue superior to bleomycin in dioxygen-activating capability. A. Suga; T. Sugiyama; Y. Sugano; A. Kittaka; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda SYNLETT 1989 70-71
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Oxidation of alkenes by a chiral non-porphyrinic oxidizing catalyst based on the bleomycin-Fe(II) complex. A. Suga; T. Sugiyama; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda Tetrahedron 1991 47 1191-1204
A synthetic model approach to the sugar moiety of bleomycin. M. Otsuka; T. Nishio; T. Oshitari; T. Owa; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda; M. Ohno; S. Kobayashi Heterocycles 1992 33 27-34
Man-designed bleomycins: Significance of the binding sites as enzyme models and of the stereochemistry of the linker moiety. T. Owa; A. Haupt; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; N. Tomioka; A. Itai; M. Ohno; T. Shiraki; M. Uesugi; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda Tetrahedron 1992 48 1193-1208
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On the mechanism of enzymatic inactivation of bleomycin. The β-aminoalaninamide moiety as an enzyme-dependent molecular switch. T. Sugiyama; M. Ohno; M. Shibasaki; M. Otsuka; Y. Sugiura; S. Kobayashi; K. Maeda Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1994 4 705-710