
Lentztrehalose A, B, C

Lentztrehalose A, B, C_1

Producing organism:

Lentzea sp. ML457-mF8


Enzyme-stable analog of trehalose (Antitumor, bone reinforcement, suppression of obesity)

Clinical use:


Class no:

4 Reference

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Title Author Journal Year Volume Page
Structure and biological properties of lentztrehalose: a novel trehalose analog. S. Wada, S. Ohba, T. Someno, M. Hatano and A. Nomoto. J. Antibiot. 2014 67 319-322
Stability and bioavailability of lentztrehaloses A, B, and C as replacements for trehalose S. Wada, R. Sawa, S. Ohba, C. Hayashi, M. Umekita, Y. Shibuya, K. Iijima, F. Iwanami and M. Igarashi J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016 64 7121-7126
Novel autophagy inducers lentztrehaloses A, B and C. S. Wada, Y. Kubota, R. Sawa, M. Umekita, M. Hatano, S. Ohba, C. Hayashi, M. Igarashi, and A. Nomoto J. Antibiot. 2015 68 521-529
Synthesis and determination of absolute configuration of lentztrehalose A. M. Zhang, S. Wada, F. Amemiya, T. Watanabe, and M. Shibasaki Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2015 63 961-966