


Producing organism:

Streptomyces viridochrmogenes MH534-30F


Inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase

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11 Reference(s)

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Title Author Journal Year Volume Page
Synthesis and endopeptidase inhibitory activity of poststatin and its analogues. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi Peptide Chemistry 1990 (Ed. Y. Shimonishi)Protein Research Foundation, Osaka 1991
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase, produced by Streptomyces viridochromogenes MH534-30F3. I. Taxonomy, production, isolation, physico-chemical properties and biological activities. T. Aoyagi; M. Nagai; K. Ogawa; F. Kojima; M. Okada; T. Ikeda; M. Hamada; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1991 44 949-955
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase, produced by Streptomyces viridochromogenes MH534-30F3. II. Structure determination and inhibitory activities. M. Nagai; K. Ogawa; Y. Muraoka; H. Naganawa; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1991 44 956-961
Synthesis and endopeptidase inhibitory activity of the poststatin related peptides. Y. Muraoka; M. Tsuda; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi; T. Someno; F. Yamada; H. Sugimura Proceedings of the 4th Akabori Conference Japanese-German Symposium on Peptide Chemistry (October 7-10, 1991, Shizuoka, Japan)Protein Research Foundation 1992 114-119
Poststatin, a novel inhibitor of bradykinin-degrading enzymes in rat urine. M. Majima; C. Shima; M. Saito; Y. Kuribayashi; M. Katori; T. Aoyagi European Journal of Pharmacology 1993 232 181-190
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase III. Optical resolution of 3-amino-2-hydroxyvaleric acid and absolute configuration of poststatin. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 281-286
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase IV. The chemical synthesis of poststatin. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Takeuchi; T. Aoyagi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 287-291
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase V. Endopeptidase inhibitory activity of poststatin analogues. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 890-899
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase VI. Endopeptidase inhibitory activity of poststatin analouges containing pyrrolidine ring. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; T. Someno; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 900-908
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase VII. N-cycloalkylamide analogues. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 909-920
Poststatin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase VIII. Endopeptidase inhibitory activity of non-peptidyl poststatin analogues. M. Tsuda; Y. Muraoka; M. Nagai; T. Aoyagi; T. Takeuchi J. Antibiotics 1996 49 1022-1030