Chemistry DivisionLaboratory of Chemistry
Research Outline
Development of asymmetric catalysts with novel concepts to produce optically active compounds.
Synthetic studies on biologically active natural products.
Please replace [at] in the email address with @, the at symbol.Laboratory Head Takumi Watanabe twatanabe[at]
Chief Researcher Hidetoshi Noda hnoda[at]
Senior Researcher Kazushige Sasaki sasakik[at]
Senior Researcher Toshifumi Takeuchi takeuchit[at]
Researcher | Hikaru Abe |
Researcher | Raphael Oriez |
Researcher | Yasunari Otsuka |
Researcher | Akira Saito |
Researcher | Atsushi Seki |
Researcher | Hisashi Takada |
Postdoctoral Researcher | Sadhanendu Samanta |
Postdoctoral Researcher | Manoharan Ramasamy |
Graduate Student | Makiko Komagata |
Graduate Student | Shunsuke Watanabe |
Two more Technical Staff