Biology DivisionSection of Animal Resources
Research Outline
We carry out In vivo evaluation of the compounds isolated from microbial metabolites or synthesized in the laboratory, and develop experimental animal models and their application for drug discovery.
Please replace [at] in the email address with @, the at symbol.Section Head Isao Momose imomose[at]
Senior Researcher Tomokazu Ohishi ohishit[at]
Researcher | Hiroyuki Inoue |
Researcher | Shunichi Ohba |
Technical Staff | Kyohei Kurosawa |
Technical Staff | Akiko Harakawa |
Theme outlines
Development of Experimental Animal Models and Their Application for Drug Discovery
We develop animal models that mimic human diseases, utilizing them for better understanding the mechanisms of diseases and evaluating the candidate therapeutic compounds we have developed, in addition to trying to discover new therapeutic agents.