
Producing organism:
Streptomyces verticillus
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158 Reference(s)
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Title | Author | Journal | Year | Volume | Page |
Bleomycin and other antitumor antibiotics of high molecular weight. | H. Umezawa | Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy - 1965 | 1965 | ||
New antibiotics, bleomycin A and B. | H. Umezawa; K. Maeda; T. Takeuchi; Y. Okami | J. Antibiotics | 1966 | 19 | 200-209 |
Purification of bleomycins. | H. Umezawa; Y. Suhara; T. Takita; K. Maeda | J. Antibiotics | 1966 | 19 | 210-215 |
Activity and toxicity of bleomycin. | M. Ishizuka; H. Takayama; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1967 | 20 | 15-24 |
Biological studies on bleomycin A. | T. Ichikawa; A. Matsuda; K. Yamamoto; M. Tsunosaki; T. Kaihara; K. Sakamoto; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1967 | 20 | 149-155 |
Studies on bleomycin. | H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; K. Maeda; T. Takeuchi | Cancer | 1967 | 20 | 891-895 |
Modes of action of phleomycin, bleomycin and formycin on HeLa S3 cells in synchronized culture. | T. Kunimoto; M. Hori; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1967 | 20 | 277-281 |
Chemical studies on bleomycin. I. The acid hydrolysis products of bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1968 | 21 | 79-80 |
Clinical study of a new antitumor antibiotic bleomycin. | T. Ichikawa; K. Matsumoto; H. Umezawa | 5th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Vienna | 1967 | 507-516 | |
Biological studies on individual bleomycins. | H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; K. Kimura; J. Iwanaga; T. Takeuchi | J. Antibiotics | 1968 | 21 | 592-602 |
The chemistry of bleomycin. II. The molecular and crystal structure of a sulfur-containing chromophoric amino acid. | G. Koyama; H. Nakamura; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | Tetrahedron Letters | 1968 | 4635-4638 | |
The distribution of 3H-bleomycin in mouse tissue. | H. Umezawa; M. Ishizuka; S. Hori; H. Chimura; T. Takeuchi | J. Antibiotics | 1968 | 21 | 638-642 |
ブレオマイシンを研究して (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | ||||
Fundamental findings on bleomycin. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | Nippon Ganchiryou Gakkaishi | 1969 | 4 | 29-30 |
The combined effects of bleomycin and sulfhydryl compounds on the thermal denaturation of DNA. | K. Nagai; H. Yamaki; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa | Biochim. Biophys. Acta | 1969 | 179 | 165-171 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. III. The sugar moieties of bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezaa; S. Omoto; S. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1969 | 22 | 237-239 |
Decrease of melting temperature and single strand scission of DNA by bleomycin in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. | K. Nagai; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1969 | 22 | 569-573 |
Decrease of melting temperature and single strand scission of DNA by bleomycin in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. | K. Nagai; H. Suzuki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1969 | 22 | 624 |
Efficacy of bleomycin in the protection of rice sheath blight disease. | M. Shimura; T. Watanabe; T. Ohashi; T. Shomura; T. Niida; Y. Sekizawa; H. Umezaa | J. Antibiotics | 1970 | 23 | 166-167 |
Studies on bleomycin --Basic research--. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | Nippon Ganchiryou Gakkaishi | 1970 | 5 | |
Chemistry of bleomycin. IV. The structure of amine component II of bleomycin A2. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1970 | 23 | 252-253 |
Lethal effect of bleomycin on cultured mammalian cells. | T. Terasima; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1970 | 23 | 300-304 |
Breaks and rejoining of DNA in cultured mammalian cells treated with bleomycin. | T. Terasima; M. Yasukawa; H. Umezawa | Gann | 1970 | 61 | 513-516 |
Chemical studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; S. Omoto; G. Koyama; A. Fujii; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | Progress in Antimicrobial and Anticancer Chemotherapy | 1970 | 11 | 1031 |
On the mechanism of action of bleomycin. Strand scission of DNA caused by bleomycin and its binding to DNA in vitro. | H. Suzuki; K. Nagai; E. Akutsu; H. Yamaki; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1970 | 23 | 473-480 |
Effects of bleomycin A2 on deoxyribonuclease, DNA polymerase and ligase reactions. | H. Yamaki; H. Suzuki; K. Nagai; N. Tanaka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1971 | 24 | 178-184 |
Basic research on bleomycin. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | 1971 | |||
Selective antitumor effect and toxicity of bleomycin. (Japanese) | T. Takeuchi; S. Hori; T. Ichikawa; H. Umezawa | Nippon Rinsho | 29 | ||
Inhibition of ligase reaction by bleomycin. | M. Miyaki; T. Ono; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1971 | 24 | 587-592 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. V. Revised structure of an amine component of bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1971 | 24 | 795-796 |
Reaction of bleomycin with DNA strand scission of DNA in the absence of sulfhydryl or peroxide compounds. | I. Shirakawa; M. Azegami; S. Ishii; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1971 | 24 | 761-766 |
Natural and artificial bleomycins: Chemistry and antitumour activities. | H. Umezawa | Pure and Applied Chemistry | 1971 | 28 | 665-680 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. VI. Selective cleavage of bleomycin A2 by N-bromosuccinimide. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 185-186 |
The structure of the sulfur-containing chromophore of phleomycin, and chemical transformation of phleomycin to bleomycin. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Itoh; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 197-199 |
Studies on the mechanism of antitumor effect of bleomycin on squamous cell carcinoma. | H. Umezawa; T. Takeuchi; S. Hori; T. Sawa; M. Ishizuka; T. Ichikawa; T. Komai | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 409-420 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. VII. Synthesis of β-amino-β-(4-amino-6-carboxy-5-methylpyrimidin-2-yl)-propionic acid, an amine component of bleomycin. | T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 625-626 |
Biosynthesis of oncostatic antibiotics: artificial bleomycins. | H. Umezawa | Post. HIG. I Med. DOSW. | 1972 | 26 | 431-443 |
Effect of bleomycin on mammalian cell survival. | T. Terasima; Y. Takabe; T. Katsumata; M. Watanabe; H. Umezawa | J. Natl. Cancer Inst. | 1972 | 49 | 1093-1100 |
The chemistry of bleomycin. VIII. The structure of the sugar moiety of bleomycin A2. | S. Omoto; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa; S. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 752-754 |
The chemistry of bleomycin. IX. The structures of bleomycin and phleomycin. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; T. Yoshioka; A. Fujii; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1972 | 25 | 755-758 |
Cinemicrographic analysis of death in synchronously growing mouse L cells after exposure to bleomycin. | T. Katsumata; M. Watanabe; Y. Takabe; T. Terasima; H. Umezawa | Gann | 1973 | 64 | 71-77 |
The chemistry of bleomycin. X. The stereochemistry and crystal structure of β-hydroxyhistidine, an amide component of bleomycin. | G. Koyama; H. Nakamura; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa; Y. Iitaka | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 109-111 |
Preparation of bleomycinic acid: hydrolysis of bleomycin B2 by a fusarium acylagmatine amidohydrolase. | H. Umezawa; Y. Takahashi; A. Fujii; T. Saino; T. Shirai; T. Takita | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 117-119 |
Chemical cleavage of bleomycin to bleomycinic acid and synthesis of new bleomycins. | T. Takita; A. Fujii; T. Fukuoka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 252-254 |
New components of bleomycin. | A. Fujii; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 396-397 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XI. The structure of the terminal amines. | A. Fujii; T. Takita; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 398-399 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XII. Iso-bleomycin A2, a product of carbamoyl group migration. | Y. Nakayama; T. Takita; M. Kunishima; H. Umezawa; S. Omoto | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 400-402 |
Chemistry and biological action of bleomycin. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa; T. Takita | Kagaku To Seibutsu | 1973 | 11 | 354-368 |
The effect of bleomycin on SV40 DNA: Characteristics of bleomycin action which produces a single scission in a superherical form of SV40 DNA. | H. Umezawa; H. Asakura; K. Oda; S. Hori; M. Hori | J. Antibiotics | 1973 | 26 | 521-527 |
Studies on bleomycin: Chemistry and biological action. | H. Umezawa | Biomedicine | 1973 | 18 | 459-475 |
Biosyntheses of new bleomycins. | A. Fujii; T. Takita; N. Shimada; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1974 | 27 | 73-77 |
Effect of bleomycin-A5 on rat mammary carcinoma induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. | T. Tominaga; Y. Azuma; T. Maeda; M. Yurino; t. Ishida; T. Taguchi; S. Shiba; K. Horibata; H. Umezawa | Gann | 1973 | 64 | 617-624 |
Antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | Rinsho Yakurigaku Taikei | 118 | ||
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIII. The X-ray structure determination of 4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-n-valeric acid, an amine component of bleomycin. | H. Nakamura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; Y. Iitaka | J. Antibiotics | 1974 | 27 | 352-355 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIV. Biogenetic-like synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-n-valeric acid, an amine component of bleomcyin. | T. Yoshioka; T. Hara; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1974 | 27 | 356-357 |
A bleomycin-inactivating enzyme in mouse liver. | H. Umezawa; S. Hori; T. Sawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takeuchi | J. Antibiotics | 1974 | 27 | 419-424 |
A metabolite of bleomycin A5 in rabbit urine. | S. Hori; T. Sawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1974 | 27 | 489-491 |
Symposium on cancer chemotherapy (5) II. The problems on cancer chemotherapy 4. Essential reaction condition of DNA chain breakage by bleomycin. (Japanese) | M. Hori | Igaku no Ayumi | 1974 | 91 | 215-220 |
Chemistry and mechanism of action of bleomycin. | H. Umezawa | Federation Proceedings | 1974 | 33 | 2296-2302 |
Blemycin: origin, chemistry, and artificial bleomycins. | H. Umezawa | Antibiotics, Springer-Verlag | 1974 | III | 21-33 |
Bleomycin inhibition of DNA synthesis in isolated enzyme systems and in intact cell systems. | W. E. G. Mueller; A. Totsuka; I. Nusser; R. K. Zahn; H. Umezawa | Biochemical Pharmacology | 1975 | 83 | 151-162 |
Characterization of bleomycin action on DNA. | H. Asakura; M. Hori; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1975 | 28 | 555-557 |
Development and mechanism of action of bleomycin.Ueber ein neues Zytostatikum: Bleomycin. | H. Umezawa; T. Ichikawa | Research in Molecular Biology | 1974 | 4 | |
Chemie und Wirkungsmechanismus von Bleomycin. | H. Umezawa | Deutsches Bleomycin-Symposium in Muenchen 1973 | 1973 | ||
Binding of bleomycin to DNA in bleomycin-sensitive and -resistant rat ascites hepatoma cells. | M. Miyaki; T. Ono; S. Hori; H. Umezawa | Cancer Research | 1975 | 35 | 2015-2019 |
1. A prospect of bleomycin therapy on lung cancer.3. Treatment of lung cancer with bleomycin. (Japanese) | S. Oka; K. Oizumi; F. Ariji; N. Kumano; S. Oka; K. Konno | Gann to KagakuryouhouScience Reports of the Research Institute Tohoku Univ. Ser. C | 1976 | 3, 21 | 7-16; 47-53 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XV. Absolute configuration of β-amino-β-(4-amino-6-carboxy(4-amino-6-carboxy-5- methylpyrimidin-2-yl)-propionic acid, an amine component of bleomycin. | H. Nakamura; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; Y. Iitaka | J. Antibiotics | 1976 | 29 | 762-764 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XVI. Epi-bleomycin. | Y. Muraoka; H. Kobayashi; A. Fujii; M. Kunishima; T. Fujii; Y. Nakayama; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1976 | 29 | 823-856 |
Bleomycin: Discovery, chemistry and action. | H. Umezawa | Gann Monograph on Cancer Research | 1976 | 19 | 3-36 |
Characterization of the bleomycin action on DNA. | H. Umezawa; H. Asakura; M. Hori | Chemotherapy | 1976 | 8 | 165-168 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. SVII. Chemical proof for the β-lactam of bleomycin. | Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1977 | 30 | 178-181 |
Structure and action of bleomycin. | H. Umezawa | Prog. Biochem. Pharmacol. | 1976 | 11 | 18-27 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XVIII. Carbon-13 NMR studies. | H. Naganawa; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1977 | 30 | 388-396 |
Recent studies on bleomycin. | H. Umezawa | Lloydia | 1977 | 40 | 67-81 |
Intracellular reduction of the cupric ion of bleomycin copper complex and transfer of the cuprous ion to a cellular protein. | K. Takahashi; O. Yoshioka; A. Matsuda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1977 | 30 | 861-869 |
Chemical and biological modification of bleomycin. (Japanese) | T. Takita | Chemistry and Chemical Industry (Kagaku to Kogyo) | 1977 | 1271-1277 | |
DNA structures required for bleomycin binding. | H. Asakura; H. Umezawa; M. Hori | J. Antibiotics | 1978 | 31 | 156-158 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XIX. Revised structures of bleomycin and phleomycin. | T. Takita; Y.Muraoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; Y.Umezawa; H. Naganawa; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1978 | 31 | 801-804 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XX. The X-ray structure determination of P-3A Cu(II)-complex. A biosynthetic intermediate of bleomycin. | Y. Iitaka; H.Nakamura; T. Nakatani; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1978 | 31 | 1070-1072 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXI. Metal-complex of bleomycin and its implication for the mechanism of bleomycin action. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; Y. Iitaka; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1978 | 31 | 1073-1077 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXII. Interaction of bleomycin with nucleic acids, preferential binding to guanine base and electrostatic effect of the terminal amine. | H. Kasai; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1978 | 31 | 1316-1320 |
Discoveries of Kanamycin and bleomycin -Chemistry of antibiotics-. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | Kagaku Kyoiku | 1978 | 26 | 434-442 |
Recent studies on biochemistry and action of bleomycin. | H. Umezawa | Bleomycin: Current Status and New DevelopmentsAcademic Press | 1978 | 15-19 | |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXIII. Natural abundance 15N-NMR spectroscopic evidence for the structure of bleomycin. | H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; W. E. Hull | J. Antibiotics | 1979 | 32 | 539-541 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXIV. Deamido bleomycin from viewpoint of metal coordination and oxygen activation. | Y. Sugiura; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1979 | 32 | 756-758 |
Bleomycin: Long journay to the structure determination, and its biological function. (Japanese) | T. Takita | Kagaku no Ryoiki | 1979 | 33 | 695-708 |
Biological and chemical modification of bleomycin. (Japanese) | T. Takita | Hakko to Kogyo | 1979 | 37 | 849-853 |
Bleomycin: new developments. | H. Umezawa | Advances in Medical Oncology, Research and Education, Basis for Cancer Therapy 1Pergamon Press, Ed. by B. W. Fox | 1979 | 5 | 33-38 |
Chemistry of bleomcyin. XXV. Reductive methylation of bleomycin, a chemical proof for the presence of the free secondary amine in bleomycin. | T. Fukuoka; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 114-117 |
Pepleomycin, the second generation bleomycin chemically derived from bleomycin A2. | W. Tanaka; T. Takita | Heterocycles | 1979 | 13 | 469-476 |
The bleomycins: Antitumor copper-binding antibiotics. | H. Umezawa; T. Takita | Structure and BondingSpringer-Verlag | 1980 | 40 | 73-99 |
Kinetics of the reaction of bleomycin-Fe(II)-O2 complex with DNA. | H. Ekimoto; H. Kuramochi; K. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 426-434 |
Inhibition of dopamine-β-hydroxylase, a copper enzyme, by bleomycin. | H. Matsui; T. Kato; C. Yamamoto; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa; T. Nagatsu | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 435-440 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVI. Biosynthetic study using 13C-enriched precursors. | T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 717-721 |
Inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase, a Fe(II)-stimulated monooxygenase, by bleomycin. | K. Oka; T. Kato; T. Takita; T. Takeuchi; H. Umezawa; T. Nagatsu | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 1043-1047 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVII. Cleomycin, a new family of bleomycin-phleomycin group. | H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; A. Fujii; H. Naganawa; T. Takita | J. Antibiotics | 1980 | 33 | 1079-1082 |
Synthesis of the pyrimidine moiety of bleomycin. | Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; S. Kobayashi; M. Otsuka; M. Narita; M. Ohno | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 1980 | 102 | 6630-6631 |
Recent progress in bleomycin studies. | H. Umezawa | Anticancer Agents Based on Natural Product Models | 1980 | 147-166 | |
Total synthesis of deglyco-bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno | Tetrahedron Letters | 1981 | 22 | 671-674 |
Chemical and biological modification of bleomycin, an antitumor antibiotic. | T. Takita; K. Maeda | J. Heterocyclic Chemistry | 1980 | 17 | 1799-1802 |
Total synthesis of the disaccharide of bleomycin, 2-O-(α-D-mannopyranosyl)-L-gulopyranose. | T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Kageyama; S. Umezawa; H. Umezawa; T. Takita | Tetrahedron Letters | 1981 | 22 | 1413-1416 |
Chemistry of bleomycin. XXVIII. Preparation of deglycobleomycin by mild acid hydrolysis of bleomycin. | Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; A. Fujii; Y. Umezawa; H. Naganawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1981 | 34 | 353-357 |
An active intermediate formed in the reaction of bleomycin-Fe(II) complex with oxygen. | H. Kuramochi; K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1981 | 34 | 576-582 |
Electrochemical and ESR studies on Cu(II) complexes of bleomycin and its related compounds. | K. Ishizu; S. Murata; K. Miyoshi; Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1981 | 34 | 994-1000 |
A possible role by bithiazoles of bleomycin in causing double-strand scission of DNA. | H. Okubo; Y. Abe; M. Hori; H. Asakura; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1981 | 34 | 1213-1215 |
Deglyco-bleomycin-iron complexes: Implications for iron-binding site and role of the sugar portion in bleomycin antibiotics. | Y. Sugiura; T. Suzuki; Y. Muraoka; Y. Umezawa; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1981 | 34 | 1232-1236 |
Studies on the derivatives of bleomycin. (Japanese) | H. Umezawa | Taisha | 1981 | 18 | 229-238 |
Total synthesis of bleomycin A2. | T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Naganawa; H. Umezawa; T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Kageyama; S. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; M. Narita; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno | Tetrahedron Letters | 1982 | 23 | 521-524 |
Stereoselective synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-pentanoic acid, an amino acid constituent of bleomycin, by aldol condensation. | M. Narita; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Tetrahedron Letters | 1982 | 23 | 525-528 |
A new synthesis of deglyco-bleomycin A2 aiming at the total synthesis of bleomycin. | S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; M. Narita; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno | Tetrahedron Letters | 1982 | 23 | 529-532 |
Transition-metal bindng site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue capable of binding Fe(II) to yield an oxygen-sensitive complex. | M. Otsuka; M. Yoshida; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 1981 | 103 | 6986-6988 |
Total synthesis of bleomycin. | T. Takita; Y. Umezawa; S. Saito; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka; M. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; T. Tsuchiya; T. Miyake; S. Umezawa | Peptides: Synthesis-Structure-Function (Proceedings of the 7th american peptide symposium) | 1981 | 29-39 | |
Bleomycin-phleomycin group antibiotics. | T. Takita | Advances in Natural Products Chemistry (S. Natori et al. eds.) Kodansha Scientific Co. | 1981 | 29-38 | |
Specificity of transport of bleomycin and cobalt-bleomycin in L5178Y cells. | Y. Uehara; M. Hori; H. Umezawa | Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. | 1982 | 104 | 416-421 |
Correlation between level of defense against active oxygen in Escherichia coli K12 and resistance to bleomycin. | Y. Matsuda; M. Kitahara; K. Maeda; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1982 | 35 | 931-933 |
Bleomycin-phleomycin group antibiotics. | T. Takita | Advances in Natural Products Chemistry (S. Natori, N. Ikegawa, M. Suzuki, eds.)Kodansha Scientific | 1981 | 29-38 | |
An improved total synthesis of bleomycin. | S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; T. Yoshioka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa; Y. Muraoka | J. Antibiotics | 1983 | 36 | 92-95 |
An improved total synthesis of bleomycins. | S. Saito; Y. Umezawa; T. Yoshioka; Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Peptide Chemistry 1982 (Ed. S. Sakakibara)Protein Research Foundation | 1983 | 133-138 | |
Synthetic analogues and biosynthetic intermediates of bleomycin. Metal binding, dioxygen interaction, and implication for the role of functional groups in bleomycin action mechanism. | Y. Sugiura; T. Suzuki; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Biol. Chem. | 1983 | 258 | 1328-1336 |
Potentiation of the cytostatic effect of bleomycin on L5178y mouse lymphoma cells by pepleomycin. | W. E. G. Mueller; M. Geisert; R. K. Zahn; A. Maidhof; M. Bachmann; H. Umezawa | Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. | 1983 | 19 | 665-670 |
DNA-bleomycin interaction. Nucleotide sequence-specific binding and cleavage of DNA by bleomycin. | H. Umezawa; T. Takita; Y. Sugiura; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno | Tetrahedron | 1984 | 40 | 501-509 |
Bleomycin and its derivatives. | T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Natural Products and Drug Development (P. Krogsgaard-Larsen et al. eds.)Munksgaard, Copenhagen | 1984 | 239-252 | |
Antitumor effect of bestatin combined with bleomycin against hepatoma AH66 subcutaneously transplanted in rats. (Japanese) | F. Abe; T. Yamashita; K. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; T. Ichikawa; H. Umezawa | Jap. J. Antibiotics | 1984 | 37 | 589-592 |
Mechanism of action of bleomycin at the molecular level. (Japanese) | T. Takita | Gann to Kagakuryouhou | 1984 | 11 | 2659-2665 |
Synthetic studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. XIII. Synthesis of 2-formylpyrimidine, a key intermediate for the pyrimidine moiety of bleomycin. | M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; H. Umezawa | Chem. Pharm. Bull. | 1985 | 33 | 515-519 |
Synthetic studies on an antitumor antibiotic, bleomycin. XIV. The synthesis of Boc-pyrimidoblamic acid. | M. Otsuka; M. Narita; M. Yoshida; S. Kobayashi; M. Ohno; Y. Umezawa; H. Morishima; S. Saito; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Chem. Pharm. Bull. | 1985 | 33 | 520-526 |
Lipid peroxidation by bleomycin-iron complexes in vitro. | H. Ekimoto; T. Takahashi; A. Matsuda; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1985 | 38 | 1077-1082 |
Radioimmunoassay of bleomycins. | T. Seki; Y. Muraoka; K. Takahashi; H. Horinishi; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1985 | 38 | 1251-1256 |
New analogs and derivatives of bleomycin. | H. Umezawa; T. Takita; S. Saito; Y. Muraoka; K. Takahashi; H. Ekimoto; S. Minamide; K. Nishikawa; T. Fukuoka; T. Nakatani; A. Fujii; A. Matsuda | Bleomycin Chemotherapy, Chapter 23(Eds. B. I. Sikic; M. Rozencweig; S. K. Carter)Academic Press | 1985 | 289-301 | |
Bleomycin antibiotics: Metal complexes and their biological action. | Y. Sugiura; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Chapter 4(Ed., H. Sigel)Marcel Dekket Inc. | 1985 | 19 | 81-108 |
Synergistic effect of peplomycin in combination with bleomycin on L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells in vivo. | W. E. G. Mueller; R. K. Zahn; A. Maidhof; H. C. Schroeder; M. Bachmann; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1984 | 37 | 239-243 |
Bleomycin and peplomycin. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Cancer Chemotherapy(H. M. Pinedo; B. A. Chabner, Eds.)Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. | 1985 | 7 | 76-82 |
Potentiation of the bleomycin, arabinofuranosylcytosine and adriamycin-caused inhibition of DNA synthesis in lymphocytes by bestatin in vitro. | G. Leyhausen; H. C. Schroeder; D. K. Schuster; A. Maidhof; H. Umezawa; W. E. G. Mueller | Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. | 1985 | 21 | 1325-1330 |
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A remarkably efficient dioxygen-activating molecule based on bleomycin-Fe(II) complex. | A. Kittaka; Y. Sugano; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa | Tetrahedron Letters | 1986 | 27 | 3631-3634 |
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue equivalent to bleomycin in activating molecular oxygen. | Y. Sugano; A. Kittaka; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa | Tetrahedron Letters | 1986 | 27 | 3635-3638 |
Synthetic studies towards man designed bleomycins. Synthesis of a DNA cleaving molecule based on bleomycin. | M. Otsuka; A. Kittaka; M. Ohno; T. Suzuki; J. Kuwahara; Y. Sugiura; H. Umezawa | Tetrahedron Letters | 1986 | 27 | 3639-3642 |
Bleomycin and peplomycin. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | Cancer Chemotherapy (Eds. H. M. Pinedo; B. A. Chabner)Elsevier Science Publishers Biomedical Division, Amsterdam(Cancer Pharmacology Annual 4, pp. 76-82) | 1986 | 8 | 65-72 |
The nature of thiol-compounds which trap cuprous ion reductively liberated from bleomycin-Cu(II) in cells. | K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1987 | 40 | 348-353 |
Activation of bleomycin-Fe(III) by bleomycin-Cu(II) and cysteine. | K. Takahashi; T. Takita; H. Umezawa | J. Antibiotics | 1987 | 40 | 542-546 |
Bleomycins. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita | Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers Annual (Eds. H. M. Pinedo; D. L. Longo; B. A. Chabner)Elsevier Science Publishers | 1987 | 9 | 50-55 |
Mutagenicity of anthracycline glycosides and bleomycins in salmonella assay system. | K. Umezawa; M. Haresaku; M. Muramatsu; T. Matsushima | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | 1987 | 41 | 214-218 |
Peplomycin and liblomycin, a new analogues of bleomycin. | T. Takita; T. Ogino | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | 1987 | 41 | 219-226 |
Bleomycins. | Y. Muraoka; T. Takita | Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers Annual (Eds. H. M. Pinedo; D. L. Longo; B. A. Chabner)Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. | 1988 | 10 | 40-44 |
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. A synthetic analogue superior to bleomycin in dioxygen-activating capability. | A. Suga; T. Sugiyama; Y. Sugano; A. Kittaka; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda | SYNLETT | 1989 | 70-71 | |
Man-designed bleomycin with altered sequence specificity in DNA cleavage. | M. Otsuka; T. Masuda; A. haupt; M. Ohno; T. Shiraki; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 1990 | 112 | 838-845 |
Biosynthesis and chemical synthesis of bleomycin. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka | Biochemistry of Peptide Antibiotics: Recent Advances in the Biotechnology of β-Lactams and Microbial Bioactive Peptides (Eds. H. Kleinkauf; H. von Doehren), Chapter 11,Walter de Gruyter Berlin, New York | 1990 | 289-309 | |
Bleomycins: basic research. | T. Takita; Y. Muraoka; K. Takahashi | Gann Monograph on Cancer ResearchJapan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo/Taylor & Francis Ltd., London | 1989 | 36 | 59-70 |
Oxidation of alkenes by a chiral non-porphyrinic oxidizing catalyst based on the bleomycin-Fe(II) complex. | A. Suga; T. Sugiyama; M. Otsuka; M. Ohno; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda | Tetrahedron | 1991 | 47 | 1191-1204 |
A synthetic model approach to the sugar moiety of bleomycin. | M. Otsuka; T. Nishio; T. Oshitari; T. Owa; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda; M. Ohno; S. Kobayashi | Heterocycles | 1992 | 33 | 27-34 |
Man-designed bleomycins: Significance of the binding sites as enzyme models and of the stereochemistry of the linker moiety. | T. Owa; A. Haupt; M. Otsuka; S. Kobayashi; N. Tomioka; A. Itai; M. Ohno; T. Shiraki; M. Uesugi; Y. Sugiura; K. Maeda | Tetrahedron | 1992 | 48 | 1193-1208 |
Transition-metal binding site of bleomycin. Significance of the β-aminoalaninamide appendage in regulating oxygen activation. | T. Sugiyama; M. Ohno; M. Shibasaki; M. Otsuka; Y. Sugiura; S. Kobayashi; K. Maeda | Heterocycles | 1994 | 37 | 275-282 |
On the mechanism of enzymatic inactivation of bleomycin. The β-aminoalaninamide moiety as an enzyme-dependent molecular switch. | T. Sugiyama; M. Ohno; M. Shibasaki; M. Otsuka; Y. Sugiura; S. Kobayashi; K. Maeda | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 1994 | 4 | 705-710 |